How to easily automate CRM database backup?
You can do it with help of SQL command or own console app.
You’ll need to backup the following CRM databases:
with format, name ='Full backup of <database name>'
string path = Path.Combine("C:\Temp\backups\sql\", string.Format("{0}_{1:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}.bak",this.DatabaseName, DateTime.Now));
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
string.Format(@"backup database {0} to disk ='{1}' with format, name ='Full backup of {0}'",
this.DatabaseName, path), conn);
cmd.CommandTimeout = 120;
Done ;)
You can do it with help of SQL command or own console app.
You’ll need to backup the following CRM databases:
SQL command to backup a database is:
backup database <database name> to disk ='C:\Temp\backups\sql\<database name_timestamp>.bak'with format, name ='Full backup of <database name>'
To backup the database using a console program - use the code below:
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString)){
string path = Path.Combine("C:\Temp\backups\sql\", string.Format("{0}_{1:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}.bak",this.DatabaseName, DateTime.Now));
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
string.Format(@"backup database {0} to disk ='{1}' with format, name ='Full backup of {0}'",
this.DatabaseName, path), conn);
cmd.CommandTimeout = 120;
Done ;)
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