Friday, October 19, 2012

Microsoft CRM 2011 Solution backups with help of Plugins.

     This small plugin can save a lot of time and put things under control. Each time somebody press on Publish All button, it creates a backup of all user solutions (system solution is ignored) and creates a task in the system with attached backups. So you can easily find a right task with right backups of solutions.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Optimizing Microsoft .NET ThreadPool Settings for Microsoft CRM 2011

    You can modify parameters in the Machine.config file to accommodate a specific environment. However, if each .aspx page makes a Web service call to a single IP address, it is recommended to adjust these parameters as shown in the following table:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Some useful functions for MS CRM 2011 Reports

Here is a couple of useful functions for MS CRM 2011 reports:

Function that used to remove the duplicate records
Public Shared Function RemoveDups(ByVal items As String) As String
         Dim noDups As New System.Collections.ArrayList()
         Dim SpStr
         SpStr = Split(items ,",")

         For i As Integer=0 To Ubound(Spstr)
                   If Not noDups.Contains(SpStr(i).Trim()) Then
                   End If

         Dim uniqueItems As String() = New String(noDups.Count-1){}
         Return String.Join(",", uniqueItems)
End Function

SharePoint 2010 Form Based authentication for MS CRM 2011 Plugins

Some time you need to add, delete, or update custom items in a list on the SharePoint 2010 when plugins in MS CRM is fired up. This simple function can save your time :)

Passing MS CRM 2011 CRMParameter from ribbon button to Silverlight application

It’s pretty cool when you can pass CRMParameters to Silverlight application. To do that we need to get “location” :

public static string GetCRMParametr()
     if (HtmlPage.IsEnabled)
        dynamic location = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.GetProperty("location");
        string crmParametr =;
           return crmParametr

return null;

You can add some kind of dummy parser to extract guid’s from passed parameters: