Thursday, March 22, 2012

Some useful functions for MS CRM 2011 Reports

Here is a couple of useful functions for MS CRM 2011 reports:

Function that used to remove the duplicate records
Public Shared Function RemoveDups(ByVal items As String) As String
         Dim noDups As New System.Collections.ArrayList()
         Dim SpStr
         SpStr = Split(items ,",")

         For i As Integer=0 To Ubound(Spstr)
                   If Not noDups.Contains(SpStr(i).Trim()) Then
                   End If

         Dim uniqueItems As String() = New String(noDups.Count-1){}
         Return String.Join(",", uniqueItems)
End Function

Function that show all values of multiple value Parameter in the textbox
=JOIN(Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value, ",")
Show/Hide control based on date value
=iif( Format( CDate(Fields!createdon.Value) , "d-MMM-yyyy") > "01-Mar-2011", False, True)

GetMedian function:
Dim values As System.Collections.ArrayList

Function AddValue(ByVal newValue As Decimal)
    If (values Is Nothing) Then
        values = New System.Collections.ArrayList()
    End If
End Function

Function GetMedian() As Decimal
    Dim count As Integer = values.Count
    If (count > 0) Then
        GetMedian = values(count / 2)
    End If
End Function

Function that divides the first by the second values
Public Shared Function calcloadPounds(ByVal loadPounds As Double, ByVal divisions As Double) As Object
        If ISNOTHING(divisions) Or divisions = 0 Then
            calcloadPounds = "n/a"
        ElseIf loadPounds = 0 Then
            calcloadPounds = 0
            calcloadPounds = loadPounds / divisions
        End If
    End Function

Function that will change the font color based on the quantity of units sold
=Switch(Fields!TotalQuantity.Value <= 10000, "Red" ,Fields!TotalQuantity.Value >= 20000, "Green", Fields!TotalQuantity.Value >  10000, "Black")

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