Monday, October 31, 2011

Useful JavaScript commands for Microsoft CRM 2011 - Part 1: Xrm.Page.context

Useful JavaScript commands for Microsoft CRM 2011 - Part 1: Xrm.Page.context
Xrm.Page.context – provides methods to obtain information specific to the organization, user or parameters that were passed in the form of a query string.

Returns the encoded header SOAP-request for Web service in the style of MSCRM 4.0.
Returns the current user's Outlook theme.
Returns the value of the LCID for the main language of the organization.

Xrm.Page.context. getOrgLcid();
Returns the unique name of the organization.
Returns an array of key-value pairs passed in the query string.
Returns the base server URL. When a user is working offline with Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook, the URL is to the local Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web services.
Returns the GUID value of the value for the current user.

Returns the LCID value that represents the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Language Pack that is the user selected as their preferred language.

Returns an array of strings representing the GUID values of each of the security roles that the user is associated with.

Returns a Boolean value indicating if the user is using Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook.

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the user is connected to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server while using Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook with Offline Access. When this function returns false, the user is working offline without a connection to the server. They are interacting with an instance of Microsoft Dynamics CRM running on their local computer.

Adds the name of the organization to the specified path.

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